Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What is your dream job? Describe a day in your dream job.

So thanks to a random topic generator, today's topic is:

what is your dream job?

Its a hard question to answer. At first my answer right away would be Fire Fighter/EMT. I did it down in Texas for 3 or 4 years, and I absolutely loved it. I would look forward to the time to go to the station. Just getting a call, heading into the unknown, knowing that you are helping someone in the time they need you the most. Its probably one of the most rewarding jobs you could have.

But now that I'm getting older, and now that I have a family, I don't know if I would mentally be able to do that job anymore. After what happened where I was hospitalized for a week, I couldn't put my daughter and my family through that. Because it is a very risky job, you are walking that fine line every time you leave that station on the truck. Cause if something were to happen, and lets say the worst did happen, yeah I would've died with honor, but honor don't bring Mommy home.

There is also a part of me that is the biggest computer geek (thanks Dad), and I love dinking around on here. I really took a liking to making presentations, and the personalized videos that have pictures and home movies, with music and the whole 9 yards.. like going into the Visual Arts or something.

But there really isn't a market for any of that.. and since everyone has the ability of going on the Internet and downloading any software they please, it takes that away from you. I mean I see people putting them together for families of the deceased at funeral homes and such, but that's really depressing, you know? And down in El Paso there is a good market because of the quincenera, but you lose a lot of business to those who go to Juarez, MEX to get it done for cheaper.

Yeah I could go be a CNA, or Pharmacy Tech. but it seems that, that's what the people who didn't graduate so when they are desperate, and cant get anything else. They don't get paid well, the hours suck, and its a shit job(excuse my language). I like working with patients, but I REFUSE to work in a Senior home.. to depressing.

People always say, do what you love. What if you love many things? And you're indecisive like me?(must be a Libra thing) With the way the economy is now, you be lucky to get anything, let alone your "DREAM JOB".

So for now, my dream job, is to stay home with my little one. Watch her grow, and take care of my family every single day.

That, Is my Dream Job.

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